Tuesday, August 7, 2007


What's the best way to lose weight fast, clean your liver and restore your body to glowing health? Why not try Fasting or Cleansing?
Cleansing is a detoxification technique that many models use throughout their careers - not only do you lose weight but you look great too! It actually helps to clear your complexion and gives you strong, healthy hair.
I used to go to Thailand once a year when I lived in Asia, just to go to a spa and detox for seven days. Although this is obviously not practical for everyone, just doing a cleanse and treating yourself to a few relaxing days at home can have the same effect.
You can do liver, kidney or colon cleanses, but the most popular for models is certainly the colon cleanse. Imagine your body as a sewer system, where all the waste can occasionally get backed up. Thats exactly what happens in your colon when old fecal matter gets solidified. Some people can have up to 20lbs of this matter in their body! This layer of waste actually releases toxins back into your bloodstream, so its very important to use a cleanse and get it out.
Although the benefits of cleansing are listed more fully on our Colon Cleansing site, you might expect some of the following improvements in the way you look:
Shinier nails, Stronger hair, Reduced body odor, Weight loss, Reduced cellulite, Glowing complexion, More beautiful eyes.

Cleansing: Basics

- Foundation

Cleansing should not be confused with 'starvation diets'! Cleansing is a short term fix for cleaning your body and losing some excess weight.
This diet allow the liver and kidneys to recover from all the toxic food additives and preservatives, pollution and smoke that enter our system every day without us even realizing.

- Diet

When doing a colon cleanse, you should take colon-cleansing herbs and Psyllium husks - the Psyllium will help you to feel a little more full while also gently scraping the old fecal matter out of your colon. Excellent Psyllium products can be found online.
The diet involves the intake of little or no food, and instead just freshly-squeezed juices (carrot, apple, celery are good!). You can add something to make the drink more exciting - ginger is my favorite. Check out some more ideas on our recipes page. Absolutely no junk food or coffee though!
This diet should normally last only 3 days to a week, after which you should go back to your normal diet or consumption. Hopefully you will feel so great that you will make some cheanges in your diet going forward, maybe introduce some fresh vegetables, to prolong the positive effects of the cleanse.

Cleansing: Pros

- You will feel fresher, more energetic.

- A cleaner liver metabolizes food faster, and sets up your body to lose weight in the long term!

- Cleansing can make you more beautiful.

- It is a short, relatively simple and inexpensive diet.

Cleansing: Cons

- This diet is a little hard to stick to - make sure to drink plenty of fruit juice.

- You may feel hungry, tired and perhaps a little dizzy. That's why its a great diet to do on holiday!